Package siouxsie.mvc.impl

Class Summary
ActionTrigger Trigger the controller.
Controller MVC controller.
ExceptionHandler Simple exception handler using a modal dialog.
ForwardAction Simple action only for screen chaining.
GuiceInitializer Initializer using the Guice XWork container to inject IScreen.
InitializerContainer Basic implementation of IInitializerContainer.
InitializerInterceptor Interceptor that initialize action using a initializer container.
PanelScreenHandler Panel-based IScreenHandler.
ScreenExceptionHandler Display messages from exception in the view.
ScreenResult The XW Result which delegates the IScreen installation in injected IScreenHandler.
ScreenSupport Basic IScreen support class.
SimpleActionLauncher Simple IActionLauncher launching the engine in the current thread.
SiouxsieMVCConfigurationProvider XW initialisation.

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